newton [38] % ftp

Connected to

220 stephens FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2) Mon May 11 10:36:13 CDT 1998) ready.

Name ( anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.


230-Welcome, archive user !


230-The local time is: Mon Feb 1 10:52:56 1999


230-This is an experimental FTP server. If have any unusual problems,

230-please report them via e-mail to <root@stephens>.


230-If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first

230-character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation

230-messages that may be confusing your ftp client.


230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

You need to change directories to

/pub/classes/EECS663, below is one way to do that

ftp> pwd

257 "/" is current directory.

ftp> cd pub

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> cd classes

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> cd EECS663

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> pwd

257 "/pub/classes/EECS663" is current directory.

ftp> ls

200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.


226 Transfer complete.

23 bytes received in 0.0022 seconds (10 Kbytes/s)

ftp> binary

200 Type set to I.

ftp> get Telephone-4trunks.mox

200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Telephone-4trunks.mox (44525 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

local: Telephone-4trunks.mox remote: Telephone-4trunks.mox

44525 bytes received in 0.77 seconds (56 Kbytes/s)

ftp> quit

221 Goodbye.